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Movie poster


Ben Mena

    I learned a lot this semester.  I grew a lot in Adobe illustrator.  I came up with my ideas by asking some peers or looking things up on the internet.  The internet is a great source because there are many people on there trying to learn the same things as me.  I could learn based off of their challenges and how they resolved their issues.


     I used the pen tool a few times in my projects.  I didn't have much weakness in showing my ideas on the programs.  i used my sketches and they helped tremendously.  I grew in media by hearing other people's opinions on things, then I was able to make projects that connected with what they said.


   My works say that I am minimalist as an artist.  I'd rather make something that gets the message across instantly instead of it being really loud.  I believe that I developed a creative voice by sharing my ideas with people and getting feedback so that I know if my ideas are on the right track and that they make sense.

Artist Statement

Ben Mena


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